Vacations By Rachel - LTW Travel

Ready for your next adventure?

You don’t have to plan or figure anything out on your own!

Hi. I’m Rachel.

Few things... 
- I love to travel, but I also love to help others travel. 
- Hawaii is my all-time favorite place. 
- I've learned some pretty great things over the years in this industry that I can't wait to share with you. 
- I love adventure.

After 7 years in the industry, sharing my love for the mountains and beaches is one of my favorite things. I started out thinking I would just book cruises, because that was the extent of my travel. Since then, I've learned so much, explored so many places, and I've had my husband, my partner in crime, along for most of the ride. If you ever need a second opinion on anything, he's a great resource. Kind of kidding, but not really.  

My specialty is now Hawaii in all of it's glory! And yes, it's amazing. I love to assist in planning all the little details that will go into making your trip imperfectly perfect. 

My second favorite travel to book is Destination Weddings. The bride and groom have enough to focus on during this special time, so I love to take the stress of their guests' travel off their plate. 

I just love LOVE, y'all!

It's good to mention, that in my opinion, the best form of marketing is word of mouth. I'm always honored when a client, turned friend, recommends my services. 

I can't wait to get to work for you! 

Contact Me

Direct: (281) 543-3096